
Guessing - Last Resort of Solving Sudoku

Guess-and-check, nishio (Japanese name) by Mensa Guide to Solving Sudoku , and
ConflictElimination & Exhaustive Search by us , and
Brute Force by hodoku

Guessing, Brute Force, Guess-and-check, nishio (Japanese name), ConflictElimination:

Last resort to solve a Sudoku. Try each candidate value for a blank square. If the tried number for a blank/empty square leads to a solution, you find a solution; if the tried number of a blank/empty square leads to a conflict, you can safely remove this number from the blank/empty square.

Candidate Numbers (or Candidate Values) of an blank/empty square is a list of possible values or candidates for this blank/empty cell.

ConflictElimination: Try each candidate value for a blank square. If the tried number of a blank/empty square leads to a conflict, you can safely remove this number from the blank/empty square.

A conflict occurs when a blank/empty square has empty candidate values.

Note that when our solver (solver used in this website) checks whether a guess will lead to a conflict, only basic methods (OneChoice, Elimination) and advanced methods (Interaction, Subset, SubsetPosition, X-Wing, XY-Wing, XYZ-Wing) are used. That being said, we do not continuously using the guessing method.

Exhaustive search in our solver means trying every possible number assignments for blank squares whose value not determined yet.

R1C3 = 8 leads to a confliction where R2C6 has empty candidate values. How does it lead to a confliction? Here is why:

→ R1C4 = 1
→ R4C4 = 4
→ R4C7 = 1
→ R5C9 = 4
→ R3C9 = 1
→ R2C8 = 4
→ R2C5 = 3
→ R2C6 = ∅

Remove number 8 from R1C3's candidate values. We get R1C3 = 1.

Hard Sudoku on 03/25/2018

Solve Hard Sudoku on 03/25/2018 in a step-by-step style

How to find them?




Solving Sudoku Methods Explained

This article answers questions: What are commonly used solving sudoku methods? What solving Sudoku methods do we use? In what sequences?

Basic Solving Sudoku Method: One Choice

a.k.a Sole Candidate, Only Candidate, or Naked Single

Basic Solving Sudoku Method: Elimination

a.k.a Hidden Single, Loner

Advanced Solving Sudoku Method: Subset2

a.k.a Pair, Naked Pair, or Naked Twins

Advanced Solving Sudoku Method: SubsetPosition2

a.k.a Hidden Pair or Hidden Twins

Last updated 3 mins ago

Advanced Solving Sudoku Method: Interaction

a.k.a Box/Row Claim or Intersection , or Locked Candidates

Solving Sudoku Methods Explained

This article answers questions: What are commonly used solving sudoku methods? What solving Sudoku methods do we use? In what sequences?