
Make Your Own Sudoku in Minutes using Fill and Remove Method!

Given: a blank Sudoku

Goal: a Sudoku

    * with one and only one solution.

    * both a square and its symmetrical square are either filled or blank.

Step 1: Fill Numbers to Every Empty Square
HELP      Load      Save      Print
Notes      Appearance      Clear the Grid      Toggle Draggable Digits
Please fill every empty square before going to the step 2!

Make Your Own Sudoku in Minutes using Fill and Remove Method!

Step 2: Repeatedly Remove A Number from filled Square
Difficulty Level:
#Removed Numbers: 0
Can Continue to Remove More Numbers? YES
Can Go to Step 3 to Print/Share/Email Sudoku? NO
HELP      Save      Print     
Notes      Appearance     
Please remove at least 30 numbers before go to step 3!

Make Your Own Sudoku in Minutes using Fill & Remove Method!

Step 3: The Made Sudoku
Make Another Sudoku      Save      Print
Notes      Appearance      Share